It’s a natural evolution, certainly not a revolution, a word that doesn’t fit well with the work in the vineyard. Nonetheless, it’s an important change, the one we’ve decided to undertake. And we’re starting right from the name of our company, which from April 5, 2024, becomes “Montina.” This transition is accompanied by a restyling – as they say in jargon – of the brand and labels.

Why this change? Speaking about it is Miche Bozza, our president.

“The name change is the natural result of a process that has been going on for a long time. In the cellar, we all referred to it as ‘Montina’, without the article. A more direct, simple, and even affectionate way to talk about our wines, and therefore about ourselves. We have chosen to evoke – starting from our brand – the values that guide us: simplicity, clarity, closeness, authenticity. And respect, another great pillar of our work.”

What do you mean by “respect”?

“Respect for the land, for the knowledge inherited from generations before us… These are dimensions that integrate perfectly with evolution, research, our everyday work. This is how improvement happens, by connecting tradition and modernity. Of this I am certain. We love tradition in a way that is not merely nominalistic. We take the good things we have acquired from the past, to evolve them, with the desire to continue improving.”.

Nuova bottiglia Montina Franciacorta Brut

Along with the name change, the logo and labels are changing…


We have given more prominence to the papal tiara, our emblem, a symbol that is at home here. It is a tribute to our history, our family. For the labels, we have chosen softer, earthier, more textured tones. We sought elegant shades capable of transferring the character of the wines they designate. . A new sartorial outfit for wines that already are such. In this, we found an inspiring connection with the work of “Story Art Designer” Marzia Boaglio, a Turin-based artist, who through her Meta-Futurist creations narrates the harmony of nature, from canvas to fabrics, wood, and marble.”

Any other news?


“Yes, there are other news coming. But for these, a bit of patience is required. After all, to taste a Franciacorta made with artistry, you have to wait for years of refinement…”


Michele Bozza smiles as he gestures a toast with a glass of Montina Franciacorta.

Montina e Marzia Boaglio nuova imamgine Montina Franciacorta